Charities & Not-for-Profit
At Crowleys DFK, we have unrivalled experience working with charity and not-for-profit organisations of all sizes and have a deep appreciation of the challenges they face in an evolving financial and legislative environment.
We provide bespoke specialist services to help and support organisations meet their compliance obligations, achieve best practice in governance, financial reporting and internal financial control and meet the high standards expected by their stakeholders and tustees.
Our dedicated and multi-disciplinary charities team have an in-depth understanding of the sector and its compliance and regulatory frameworks, including Charities Regulator Governance Code, Charities Act 2009, Charities SORP (FRS 102), Voluntary Regulation Code for Approved Housing Bodies, The Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 and Charities Regulator Internal Financial Controls Guidelines for Charities.
We work with a wide range of charity and not-for-profit organisations operating in different sectors of the community, including voluntary hospitals and healthcare providers (funded under Section 38 and 39 HSE Service Arrangements), housing associations, arts, culture, music organisations, sporting bodies, health and wellbeing organisations and humanitarian aid agencies.
Our services for the not-for-profit sector include:
- Financial reporting (incl. transition to Charities SORP (FRS 102).)
- Statutory audit
- Corporate Governance (incl. governance reviews)
- Internal audit (incl. assisting organisations establish an internal audit function and developing Audit Committee Terms of Reference and Internal Audit Charters)
- Grant audit
- Risk management
- Outsourced accounting and payroll
- Tax and VAT planning, compliance and advisory
- Business process & systems transformation
- Technology consulting
- HR consulting
- Financial advisory
Contact a Charities & Not-for-Profit Specialist today:

Tony Cooney